The Oddwall is a new fun way to reveal never-before-seen art and screenshots from Oddworld: Soulstorm.
Check out the current Oddwall, with some cells already revealed, here!
Every time we've got something cool to share via the Oddwall, we'll post a new image that's been obscured by squares. You, our fantastic community, will help us to remove those squares until the image is revealed entirely!
We think this is a fun way to show you some of the exciting images we've got from Oddworld: Soulstorm while also growing our social engagement and follower numbers across all channels, which in turn will grow the community of people playing along.
- Follow us on your prefered social network (or all of them if you so wish).
- Vote in the regular polls to help decide which section gets unveiled.
- Whichever section wins the poll will be revealed.
As you can see, not all of the sections are numbered. These locked portions of the wall can only be unveiled once the milestone within them has been met. So tell your friends to join in and help reveal what’s behind the wall even faster.